Friday, November 4, 2011

Day 4 of Thanks...

I am thankful beyond words for my sweet baby boy, Christian Michael Iovinelli. He is my little angel. He made us a family and has been a blessing ever since we found out I was pregnant. He is by far the sweetest little boy in the world.. He has always been so loving and happy. We got extremely lucky to have such an easy baby.. He was never a big cryer except when he was hungry. He started sleeping mostly through the night at about 4 weeks old and completely at 6 weeks. (not so much anymore however... lol) He was always content just swinging or hanging out in his little vibrating chair.. really didn't have to be entertained (although I assure you, he was!!). He never went through a fussy stage and teething wasn't bad at all. Thank God he hasn't been sick yet, other than some tummy issues while teething and a few allergy problems here and there. He's such a healthy little boy and we count our blessings for that every day. He is 9 months old today and in to everything! He is a crawling machine and pulls up on anything he can. He's starting to try all new foods and is saying new words. Every day is new and such an amazing blessing waking up to him. I know I won't be able to say this when he is older, but he's just a pretty little boy. His big eyes melt my heart and he has the sweetest little smile in the world. Thank you Lord for blessing us with such an amazing gift. I love you, Christian Michael Iovinelli!!
You had only been in this world for a few hours and you completely filled our hearts...

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