Monday, June 4, 2012

Amazing Discovery

Let me start out by saying I am a girlie girl that likes to have her nails and toenails done at all times.  However, I hate hate hate spending so much money on getting them done!  So, I compromise and only get a pedicure every now and then professionally, but I must admit I'm pretty good at giving them to myself!  I can't compromise the nails because I love them too much... Nothing better than a pretty french manicure! ;)  I was doing my weekly upkeep on my feeties tonight and called my mom to complain about the big glitter not coming off my toenails!  It's so pretty but such a pain to take off!  Anywho... she told me about using pedipaws to get the dry/rough skin off her feet!  Did you hear me correctly???? PEDIPAWS!  I would have never thought of that!  This is coming from a woman who has mastered the self-pedicure because she can't stand for anyone else to touch her feet.  I just happened to have one and I tried it.... OH. MY. GOSH.  It is absolutely amazing... feels just like I got a professional pedicure, if not better!  There is not a single rough spot on my feet and I didn't have to go through the "cheese grinder" - which is what I refer to the tool they use for that.... I always get super grossed out imaging whose feet it has touched before mine and if it was sterilized properly!  

 That is all... I immediately called my mom back bragging about how wonderful my feet felt and told her that I would be blogging about this ASAP to share it with all of you!!!  You must try it! =)  Goodnight!


  1. Ok I have one but how in the world do you use it on the bottom of your feet and actual get the rough spots off? It just has a small opening for the dogs toe nail right? Explain some more girl.

  2. Take the cap part off.. I wondered the same thing! =)
