Friday, June 29, 2012

17 Months

Christian Michael, you will be 17 months old in just a few days... You are sooo much fun!!!  I am loving being home with you for the summer... even though I can't walk out of your sight now.. ;)  You are still the easiest baby/toddler ever.. I don't know how we got so lucky?!  You are constantly changing day to day and every time I think you could not possibly get any cuter and sweeter, you do!!
*You wear size 18 months and 24 months in some things... You have a few t-shirts that are 2T but you are tall and slim so pants are still definitely 18 months!  You still wear size 4 in diapers - I think you will be in that size forever.. lol  You weighed 24 lbs at the doctor a couple of weeks ago.  You have the cutest little tiny body ever for a toddler... Your daddy and Papa swear you have perfect muscle tone - they are nuts! ;)
*You pretty much run/bounce everywhere you go now... and love to climb!  You had your first and second black eye within a week of each other and it broke mommy's heart.  I cried much worse than you!
*You have been going to sleep later now that I'm home with you all day because you nap more now... I think you're going through a growth spurt!  You go to bed around 8:00 now and wake up around 8:30 usually.  You take at least one 3 hour nap a day and sometimes you want to take another.... you still love your sleep a whole lot! 
*You have 10 teeth now total and you're getting a few more... We never even know when you're teething because you don't fuss about it at all... All of a sudden one or two will just pop up!
*You had to have tubes put in your ears a couple of weeks ago because the fluid wasn't draining.  I didn't think you could possibly get any happier but you did!!  You haven't had any sickness/ear infections/allergies issues since!  You never even have a runny nose anymore and you haven't had to take any allergy medicine for a month!
*You still love bath time a whole lot... If anyone says the word bath you run to the closet to get your towel and straight to the tub you go!  It is super cute!!  I am redoing your bathroom right now for you and Harrison and it's turning out sooo cute!!  I can't wait for you two to take bathies (that's what we call them) together one day!!
*Khloe has been staying in the house since it's so hot outside and you LOVE it!!  You two play together non-stop and you like for her to chase you around the house.  You are constantly looking back to make sure she's behind you!
*You say so many words now and repeat almost everything... Today you told me to "coot over" on the couch as you put your hand in the Dorito bag and got you a chip!  You're so funny!!  You won't talk much around other people though... you sure don't seem shy but maybe you are a little..
*You look like your daddy but have a lot of your mommy's facial expressions and you definitely act just like me!!  You are definitely a momma's boy for sure! and I LOVE it!! =)  
*You are a major eater... You will try anything and like almost everything.  Boy are we blessed!!  Your new favorite thing at the moment is fresh pineapple, watermelon, grapes, Salisbury steak, and green peas!
You bring more joy to our life than we could have EVER imagined and I thank God for you every single day!!!  
 It's been a year that we have had Khloe this month... You two are the best of buds!

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