Monday, October 1, 2012

Two Under Two...

It really hit me today that we are coming to an end in this pregnancy... Today is October 1st which means we can officially say that we will be welcoming baby Harrison into the world NEXT MONTH!!!  I can not believe how fast it has gone by and it makes me kind of sad.  Sad that life goes so fast and before we know it, I'll no longer be pregnant... we won't be enjoying the excitement of feeling him move around in my tummy and the excitement of "when will it happen and what will we be doing??" will be over.. Don't get me wrong, the excitement of having him here with us will be so much greater.. It's just sad that it goes by so stinking fast.  And last... it makes me very sad to know these are the last weeks we will spend as a family of three.  Christian will no longer be an only child and our time will have to be split in two... I know that once Harrison gets here none of that will matter but right now it does  make me sad to think about.  I hope that is normal.  Christian is my baby, my angel, my absolutely pride and joy... I pray every night that he doesn't feel left out or ignored when the baby gets here.  We try to talk to him about "bubba" a lot but the truth is, he's just not old enough to truly understand what's going on.  I'm warning everyone right now... so if you are a close friend or family member reading this - It will NOT be all about the baby... it will be all about BOTH of my babies... or else, don't come visit! haha Just kidding - kind of. ;)  I want Christian to feel included in everything and not that he has been pushed aside because all of the attention is on the baby.  However, I do think he is going to be beyond excited about having a little brother!!  He is such a loving, gentle, and caring little boy and he will make the best big brother in the world!!!  Harrison is sooo lucky to have him! =)  
So, let's talk about how insane it just might be having TWO baby boys under the age of two!!!  I mean, we planned this, but sometimes I think we are crazy! ha!!  It was important to us that they grow up together and hopefully are super close.  I would love to have a baby girl someday (we will see...) but honestly we really wanted two brothers close in age.  If we ever do have another it will be later... not this close together!  It seems crazy that it's all coming true... that we will have two precious little boys, only 21 months apart!  Things may be chaotic at times but I know the memories are going to be ones that we never ever forget.  I can not wait to start our life together as a family of four!!  It sounds so weird saying that!  If you are reading this and you have little ones that are that close in age - boys in particular - I am open for any kind of advice and suggestions! ;)  

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your pregnancy and good luck! Having two under two is magical. You may mourn the passing of your eldest's 'only child' status but what you get in return is so much more amazing. He'll be a wonderful big brother!
