Tuesday, October 23, 2012


First of all, I am overwhelmed with how many phone calls, texts, and messages I got today just from people checking on me.  I even got a card and surprise from my "secret pal" at work which brightened up my day!  I honestly didn't know so many people read my boring ole' blog but that also makes me happy! =)  I also want to apologize for not being the best writer in the world and probably not the most entertaining either! haha!!  But thank you so much for all of you who took the time to check on me or say you're praying for me... makes things a lot better!
So today has been much better... so far it looks like I'm able to control my blood pressure.  I took my cuff to school today so I could keep track of it every couple of hours and write it down.  I stayed off my feet for a good portion of the day and it was normal.  I did walk to the cafeteria and back for lunch and that was the only time it went up.  It wasn't dangerously high or anything but much higher than normal.  I have stayed off my feet for the most part tonight and rested and I'm feeling pretty good.  I would say that today's progress was MUCH better than yesterday's! =)  It really helps that I have a mom that would do anything for us, a husband who is doing absolutely everything he can to make things easier on me, and about 10 more "moms" at work! ;)  If things change, I'll keep ya posted... since I know people actually care enough to read this!

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