Thursday, October 11, 2012

33 Weeks & Growing...

7 weeks left or 6 if we decide to induce!!! =)  I am getting sooo excited to meet our new little man and even more excited for Christian and Harrison to meet for the first time!!  I keep thinking about how amazing that moment is going to be when Corey brings C into the room.  I'm starting to feel VERY pregnant.... I have back problems when I'm pregnant and geez it hurts so bad!  I'm also starting to feel a LOT of pressure, so much that it almost hurts to walk.  I'm hoping that if I do have him early, I can at least make it to 38 weeks.  Ideally I would like to make it to 39, but I didn't with C so I'm kind of doubting I will this time, too.  We had a doctors appointment a few days ago....  Blood pressure was great, weight gain was great, H's heart beat was great, and that's about all there was to it!  We go back next Thursday and I'm pretty sure the weekly visits will start soon!  We also had a wonderful church shower on Sunday... we got a lot of great stuff and a TON of diapers and wipes (YAY!!)  However, his room looks a crazy mess with bags, tissue paper, gifts, and hangers, and tools that Corey is using to build the shelves EVERYWHERE!!!  I'm not lying when I say the only part of the floor you can see is the part the door swings open and under the crib... LOL!  My weekend is going to be dedicated to getting his room cleaned up and organized! =)
Harrison weighs between 4-5 lbs and has passed the 17 inch mark!
He's rapidly losing that wrinkled, alien look and his skeleton is hardening.  The bones in his skull aren't fused together, which allows them to move and slightly overlap, making it easier for him to fit through the birth canal. (The pressure on the head during birth is so intense that many babies are born with a conehead-like appearance. - Yes, that was my child!!  I wasn't sure his head would go back to normal... he has his daddy's head for sure!  Sure enough, a few MONTHS later, he had a perfect head with a perfect head of hair! :)  I'm wondering if Harrison will be the same way... If so, it won't bother me a bit this time! :) 

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