Thursday, October 25, 2012

35 Weeks & Growing...

I'm not going to go into detail about the struggles that came along this week because my past two blog posts were about that.  However, things do seem a little better.  My blood pressure has been normal unless I'm being really active.  The air conditioning in my classroom has been out for about a week so I have started getting really swollen through out the day but as soon as I cool off it goes back to normal.  I had a few days of really feeling sorry for myself and last night I started reading other blogs and came across a blog about a husband and wife that had their baby boy really early and ended up losing it.  I spent at least an hour reading through all of her posts, sobbing in bed.  I cried and prayed so hard while I read that blog and all of a sudden nothing that I am going through felt important at all.... Things like that really puts things into perspective.  I thought to myself, here I am feeling sorry for myself because I'm "uncomfortable" and having to stay in bed just for the next few weeks until we meet our perfectly healthy - that we know of - baby boy.. and there are others out there that would give anything to have a healthy baby or even get pregnant.  So, I feel much stronger now and I know we will make it through the rough times in the next few weeks thanks to God always putting me in the perfect situation to see things clearly.  
This weekend is going to be busy... We have a LOT to accomplish in order to be ready for H's arrival.  We are working on his room, I need to do a lot of laundry, pack our hospital bags, and buy some big last minute items we need.  We also have maternity pictures on Saturday! I hope Christian cooperates... I will be happy if we just get ONE really great family picture so I can hang it in the house.  
This is the item that I'm on a mission for!  The Chicco double stroller.  Has anyone had this one and if so, what is your review?  I've researched a lot of them and this seems to be one of the best options for us.  We bought the Chicco travel system for Christian and Harrison is going to be using his old car seat so we pretty much have to go with the same brand so that it will click right in to the stroller.  I am a bit concerned that this huge thing will not fit in the trunk of my car.  I'm really not ready to upgrade to an SUV just yet.... I really love my Lexus and can't afford to buy a Lexus SUV! ha!  I'm really loving the new Acadia's though... but gosh, I really don't want a car payment!!!  Btw... I am not a major car snob but it is paid off and very nice so why in the world trade it in??  Wow, I got really off topic there... went from strollers to cars, but anyway, if you have this one please let me know if you think it will fit in a trunk! =)  I'm not a huge fan of it costing $300 either but I guess this is something we will have a long time and get a lot of use out of it so I'm justifying it being a bit more than what I thought I would spend on one.  I still haven't decided on which monitor to buy.  Do I want two separate ones or do I want one screen with two cameras?  Lots of decisions to be made.. however, I will be able to take my time on this one because Harrison won't even need a monitor for a couple more months at least because he will be sleeping in the room with us.
Let's finally get to the exciting 35 weeks facts...

Harrison is over 18 inches long and weighs a little over 5 lbs.
This week's major developments:  His kidneys are fully developed now and his liver can process some waste products.  Most of his basic physical development is now complete - he'll spend the next few weeks putting on weight.
I'm seeing the doctor every week now so I will post exciting updates as I get them! =)  5 more weeks to go, 4 if we induce, and 2 1/2 if he comes when C did!!!  Crazy!

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