Thursday, October 18, 2012

34 Weeks & Growing...

I'm starting to reach that point.... the point of I'm ready to hold my baby, I'm ready to begin the craziness of a family of four, I'm ready to be comfortable again, I'm ready to have energy, I'm ready to be under 150 lbs (lol), I'm ready to get the inevitable over with, I'm just READY!  I have been way more patient during this pregnancy than the last... I remember around 25 weeks with Christian I started counting down the days.. haha!  This time I really wanted to take all of it in and enjoy every minute of it - but let's face it, there comes a point where it's just no longer comfortable and I'm there.  I also love the comments I've been getting lately... some of my favorites:  "Wow you are ready to pop!", "Gosh, you have such a short torso, I don't know where you're holding that baby!", "You're so tiny.. will you have to have a c-section?" - odd. and my favorite... "You don't look big enough to be in your 3rd trimester - Is that healthy?" LOL Seriously?!! How can I look ready to POP to one person and not healthy to another??  And how do people really have the nerve to say these things?  I can not imagine!  Just to answer these amazingly thought out questions.... Yes, I do feel like I'm going to "pop" but that's not exactly how it works.... I have an extremely short torso but babies are in a fetal position in case you have never read a book or watched a video.... I realize I'm a petite person but I made it though the first delivery just fine and I think I can probably do it again ;) Nor do I think it has anything to do with having a c-section.... And to answer my favorite, I am far from tiny... This belly is sticking STRAIGHT OUT and it's large and in charge!! But again, I'm pretty sure this has nothing to do with the health of the baby....    Okay, I feel better now!  By the way, I'm talking about complete strangers.. I am not at all offended or surprised in any way by the things that come out of my friends mouths.. That's just how we are! lol ;)
Harrison weighs between 4-5 lbs and is about 18 inches long now.
His fat layers - which will help to regulate his body temperature once he's born - are starting to fill him out and make him rounder.  His skin is also smoother than ever now.  His central nervous system is maturing and his lungs are continuing to mature as well.  I also read this week that babies that are born anytime after 34 weeks are usually fine and only need a short stay in the NICU but normally do as well as full-term babies.  (This is a relief to hear just in case something does happen!)
We had a doctors appointment today.. Update:  blood pressure great, H's heart beat was in the 150's and he was moving around so much he could barely get a reading, total weight gain - 27 lbs, and baby H is measuring around 31-32 weeks, which is about 2-3 weeks behind.. He said that was still perfect and everything looks great!  I have one more bi-weekly check up and then it's every week until Go time!!! =)  People have started asking me if I want to go early... The answer is No.  I want to go when God feels like it is time, but ideally I want to be completely FULL term.  I had C at 37 weeks and a few days and he was just perfect, but I would be fine if H decides to stay in a while longer.  We still haven't made a decision on inducing if he isn't here at 39 weeks but definitely leaning towards going into labor naturally as of now.  Nothing can replace the excitement of not knowing one minute when you'll have your sweet baby and then you are rushing to the hospital the next!

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