Wednesday, May 9, 2012

15 Months

I have not been very good at writing monthly posts about Christian on my blog.  I write things down in his book but not on here.... So, I'm going to try to start that!  What if something terrible happens and I lose the book, at least I will always have this!  

Christian, you are 15 months old now.... The time is flying by way too fast!!  You are the sweetest, happiest little boy I have ever been around.  You are so laid back and the easiest baby in the world.... You are the absolute love of my life!!

*You wear a size 18 months in clothes, size 4-5 in shoes, and size 4 in diapers. You went to the doctor yesterday and you weigh 23 lbs.
* You are walking/running all over the place. And climbing. And you would be outside 24/7 if I let you!
*You go to sleep between 6:30-7:30 and sleep until usually 7:00.  You are SUCH a great sleeper!!
*You have 7 teeth now... two bottom, 3 front top, and 2 back top molars are coming through right now.
*You still love baths and the dogs, not only ours but other people's as well. You play well with your toys and books and normally keep yourself pretty entertained.  You are so good at sorting blocks and even colors at times... very smart little boy!  As you were putting your blocks up the other night you even said two of the colors!  You love puzzles and you really love anything you can push around!   
*You say several words now and that might be the cutest thing ever to listen to you talk!!
*You still like taking 2 naps a day, one mid-morning and one in the afternoon.  When you do only take one nap it usually lasts 3-4 hours.. you just love your sleep!
*You are mastering the fit-throwing which can be stressful and cute all at the same time.  Daddy finds nothing cute about it, however! "No" is not your favorite word. You also tend to throw a fit if I try to feed you or brush your teeth because you like to do everything yourself.
*You still love everyone. No strangers in your world. You are happy go lucky and just a joy to be around honestly.  Everyone at church and daycare love watching you because they say you are an angel baby... I agree. :)

I love you more than life itself and can't imagine life without you!!!  You are going to be the best big brother ever and this baby is incredibly lucky to have you!

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