Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Fair....

I figured I would have such a great post about the fair since C is old enough to enjoy it this year but........... not so much!! haha!!  He hated it... hate might be an understatement.  First of all, he is terrified of cows.  I really don't know how this happened but all of a sudden he started freaking out any time he saw one on TV or heard the "moo" noise.  He makes this pitiful little face and noise and runs to me.  I thought for sure that if I introduced him to a real cow that maybe all would be well... I mean the kid LOVES dogs and cats so I thought we would be good to go.  Boy, was I wrong.... we took him through the dairy part right when we got there and it started off great.  He was just looking around at all of them and we were talking about it UNTIL one of them "moo'd" and it was OVER!  I guess once a cow moos they all feel the need to moo..... well, once that started he was in pure panic mode.  We had to put that stroller in reverse and bail! lol 
I'm not sure why we thought taking him through "Old McDonald's Farm" would be a good idea after this but we sure did.... I guess I was thinking that maybe just the cows freaked him out and other animals would be fine!  Nope.... the goats were good, he liked visiting with them... and then we got to the llamas, camels, horses, zebra, and what do you know.... another cow... and we had to get out quick.  He wanted no part of it.  Last year he LOVED the animals... this year I'm pretty sure it gave him nightmares all night!  I think he is going through a phase where really big things or loud noises just scare him.  Either that, or he's a big chicken just like his momma!! 
We strolled on over to the carousel so he could ride it for the very first time and I was really excited about this!  Put him on the horse... everything was wonderful.... Until, it started moving and the horse started going up and down.  He wanted off immediately! haha!!  I couldn't help but laugh so hard the rest of the ride as I held him and he enjoyed going around in circles (as long as he was in my arms and NOT on that horse going up and down) about how funny it is that we plan for things and sometimes they go completely opposite from what we think!  Here we thought we would have a great evening at the fair looking at and feeding the animals, riding some rides, and strolling around enjoying our baby... and instead, the animals scared him to death, he wanted NO part of the rides (smart boy), and it was 98 degrees outside and I'm almost 8 months pregnant! LOL!  Corey and I laughed so hard as we exited the fair, about 30 minutes after getting there and $40 later.... I wouldn't have changed a thing - memories with my family are the absolute best!! =)

 He did enjoy a fair corn dog and some nachos! =)

 All is well... Ride hasn't started yet...
And now I want mommy to hold me as we go around! =)
This is a picture from the fair last year... thoroughly enjoying the animals! hehe

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