Thursday, September 13, 2012

29 Weeks & Growing...

We had a doctors appointment this Monday and everything went great.... It was the appointment I had been dreading for weeks because it came with a shot.  Ugh... I hate needles and just the word "shot" completely freaks me out!  I was surprised the my blood pressure was perfect - it usually goes up when there are needles involved!  It was a short visit.  I've hit the 20 lb mark on weight gain which he said was perfect for this stage in pregnancy and my starting weight, blood pressure was perfect, H's heartbeat was in the 140's like usual, he's measuring right on, and he's constantly moving but STILL breech.  He has been breech this entire pregnancy and I'm just praying that he flips in the next few weeks.  I had my rhogam shot and I'm so glad that's over with... It really wasn't THAT bad but the medicine in those things really burn and it's not a "quick stick and over with" type of shot, unfortunately.  Corey talked to me the whole time though and that helped! =)  I am very much looking forward to my shower this weekend!!!  It's just a small, very closest friends and family shower, but I'm so excited to celebrate little Harrison and feel very blessed that my sister in law and mother in law went through the trouble of having me another shower even though it's not my first! 
Harrison weighs about 2 1/2 lbs and is about 15 inches long.
This week's major developments:  His muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and his head is growing bigger to make room for his developing brain.   This trimester, about 250 milligrams of calcium are deposited in your baby's hardening skeleton each day.

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