That little boy is the sweetest thing in the entire world!! He has the kindest heart and the sweetest little personality!! I just love him so much... I did not want to leave him today at all. :( He grabbed both of my legs as I was leaving his day care this morning and said "momma." It just broke my heart - I wanted to take him with me! He is constantly talking now, even though we don't always understand what he's saying.. ha! He says: momma, daddy, nana, papa, doggie, ball, see, drink, thank you, no, cookie, and baby. We have realized he is not a "repeater." For instance, we have really been working on animal sounds and he wants no part of it unless he comes out with it himself. He has no desire to repeat things - I guess he just wants to do things his way on his time, which is perfectly fine with me! :) He will count with me though up to three! I think because his Nana has been counting with him since he's been born! He's so good at putting shapes where they belong and stacking blocks and sorting... it just amazes me at some of the things he can do now and he's almost 14 months! He really has no desire for coloring yet... maybe that will come later even though daddy says it won't! haha!! He thinks he's ALL boy and really loves that.... Which bring me to, he will not even let me buy Christian a pair of TOMS! Is that not insane? He says they are girlie... So, Christian and I went shoe shopping over the weekend and bought him a pair of Nike's and New Balance - could have saved ya some money, daddy, but oh well! ;) I think his favorite toy right now would have to be any kind of ball, his lawn mower, and his popper. He loves anything he can push around and he LOVES playing with balls and playing catch! He plays in his ball pit all the time now... It is so cute because I'll be in the living room and hear him jump in his ball pit in his room.. precious! I just love that little boy so much... I can't imagine loving another one as much, but I know that changes when they put that baby in your arms! Hope everyone is having a great week!! I'm meeting with the surgeon tomorrow - please keep me in your prayers!
HBD to me and my first design patent!
2 days ago
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