Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Baby Body Blues

"Slow and steady wins the postpartum weight-loss race!" - Well, those of you who know me know that patience is not one of my strong points!! My sweet little boy is now 3 months old. I guess I thought this weight would just fall off by itself..?? I have been really beating myself up over not having the pre-baby body that I used to have. Until...... I just happened to read an article a few days ago that said, "It typically takes a woman just as long to drop her pregnancy poundage as she needed to gain it (nine months on, nine months off)." I finally gave myself a break and thought... I spent 9 months creating a little life (that little life caused me to gain nearly 40 lbs by the way) so why am I obsessing over looking like a super model?! Okay, that might be a bit of a stretch considering I will never be a supermodel being 5'4! But, you get what I'm saying! 

I have to remind myself that I have created a little human being that I absolutely adore and he adores me, too - ALL of me! He doesn't mind that I need to lose 10 or 15 lbs... He loves me for me, and I'm lucky enough to have a husband that feels the very same way. So, even though I would love to go slip into my skinny jeans and a cute tank top... I think I'll settle for laying here in my pajamas with my sweet little famly, being happily content for now.
I think it's safe to say this little guy is worth it!! ;)

Until next time... Hope you have a wonderful  night! 


  1. So every picture I see of you I am always insanely jealous so I think you look fab! I held on to some weight and then around month 4-5 it just came off, I really think your body holds on to a little weight for awhile

  2. Kristen, You look great! I hope after I have a kid to look as good as you! Keep up the great work and I'm sure it'll be off in no time!

  3. I think you look absolutely gorgeous! I look at your pictures and no one would believe you have a 3 month old baby!! and that baby boy.. PRECIOUS!!

  4. Thank you so much ladies!! This really made me smile! There's nothing like getting compliments from strong, beautiful women!! =)
