Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Harrison - 4 months

I say this every month... but I can't believe you are already 4 months old.  You are growing up way too fast but we are enjoying every minute!  I will find out how much you weigh and how much you have grown at your appointment next week so I will post that then.  Your look has changed so much over the month.  You are starting to look like a baby boy instead of a newborn.  You are absolutely adorable.  You smile with your eyes and they light up the room.
You are already wearing 6 month clothes.  You are too long to wear a lot of 3-6 month clothes so we have to shop mainly at Carter's because their 6 month fits perfect.  You wear size 2 diapers.  You wear a size 2 shoe and I'm so happy about that because you can wear TOMS now!  I already ordered you a pair and you wore them in your Easter pictures.  They are so stinking cute and the same color as C's.  I'm thinking you are going to have big feet just like he does.  He's already wearing a size 9 and 9 1/2.
You have been sleeping through the night since you were about 9 weeks old.  You were sleeping from 7ish-5ish but since the time change you have been going to bed around 7:30 every night and you sleep until 7 or 8 the next morning.  I don't know how we were so blessed with amazing sleepers, but thank you, Lord.  
You have beautiful grayish-blue eyes.  They are about the same color as mine but a little more deep blue.  Your hair is starting to fall out.  You have a complete bald spot that looks like a ring around your head.  A few nights ago was the first time I could see the new hair coming in and it is bright blonde.  You still have quite a bit of hair on the top though but it's thinning out quickly.  It always makes me sad to see the baby hair go. :(   
You seriously smile ALL.THE.TIME.  You are the happiest baby I've ever seen in my life.  when you smile, your entire face lights up and you smile so much with your beautiful eyes.  It completely melts my heart.  You coo and laugh a lot.  You have started making a new noise and it sounds like "boooo" and you blow bubbles while you do it.  SO cute!
You officially HATE tummy time.  You used to love it... I'm not sure what happened.  Your Nana has a theory about this though..... she thinks it's because I never put you down.  She said  you will have developmental delays because I want to hold you all the time. (joking of course, haha!)  You have rolled tummy to back a few times but mainly back to tummy and never during "play time"... only when you get mad if I put you on your back to sleep and you flip over.  Therefore, I rarely get to see it.  This goes back to me holding you far too much. ;)  You have already started inch worm crawling and you can get pretty far - clear across the pack n play and crib - scares me to death.  I actually put you back in the rock n play sleeper because I'm just too scared right now.  Once I see you are rolling all the time with no trouble I will put you back in your crib.  Your favorite things right now are the vibrating chair, laying in the floor in bubba's room while he plays, your play mat because you like to grab at all the toys and make a lot of noise, your kangaroo pouch, and most of all...... being held!  
You never cry... like ever.  You have seriously been the best baby ever so far... even better than your brother and that seems impossible really.  The only thing that has ever been a problem and really it's not a problem at all is that you didn't like taking naps, but last week you started taking a long nap, about two hours, every day.  I think that's why you have started sleeping in later in the mornings because you are well rested.  It just seems crazy that you are already sleeping 12 hours at night.  Thank you for being such a perfect little bundle of joy.
Here is the monthly comparison picture... I think you and your brother have a lot of similarities but I think Christian is a spitting image of your daddy and you look a whole lot like me!! Everyone says your my little mini-me and I'm happily okay with that! ;)  
You have no idea yet how much your big brother LOVES you but you will get it one day soon.... You two already have such a strong bond and it makes me cry a lot because it is so sweet.  He wants to be everywhere you are and wants to take care of you all the time.  There honestly has not been one moment of jealousy yet and if you aren't in the room with us, he is asking for you.  That might be another reason why I hold you so much... he likes you to be right there with him when he's playing.  I can not wait until you are sitting up on your own because you two will have a lot of fun playing with toys together.  You two make me happier than I could have ever imagined.  I love you so much baby bird!!

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