Thursday, December 13, 2012

Harrison - 1 month

My baby bird is 1 month old... already!
People always ask why I call him my bird... I've been calling him that since he was a day old in the hospital.  He would look up at me any time he was hungry and "peck" all over my face with his little mouth open.  It was the sweetest thing in the world and I just started calling him my baby bird.  He still does it and now that nickname has stuck.  He's my baby bird.
You now weigh 9 lb 14 oz and your 21 3/4" long.  You were 7 lb 13 oz and 20 1/2" long when you left the hospital so you are really growing!!
You are still wearing newborn clothes in most everything but a few things that are 0-3 months fit you now.  We have had to put a few of your newborn onesies away already because your feet push out the bottom of them... You are long and petite right now like your brother was.  You are in size 1 diapers.
You are still sleeping quite a bit during the day.  You stay awake really well from about 10 am-2 pm and then you nap a lot, then you stay awake for the most part from about 6 pm-10 pm.  I usually feed you around 10 or 11 and you sleep until about 3 am and then you wake up to eat again around 6ish.  So you are really only waking up one time in the middle of the night and you go right back to sleep after you eat.  Your daddy and I joke that you aren't an easy baby because your brother was practically sleeping through the night at this point and was happily content in his swing during the day, but in reality you are such a perfect little baby... We were just beyond blessed with two!  You like to be held a lot... and by your momma in particular.  It's pretty safe to say that you are stuck to your momma like glue and I absolutely love it!!  
Breastfeeding is going wonderful and thankfully you don't spit up hardly at all.  Your brother spit up a ton so it is kind of weird having a baby that doesn't.  I had to supplement a tiny bit when I was really upset about the testing because I wasn't producing as much milk and you didn't seem to like formula.  It was the only time you spit up and you made the worst face ever so I guess it's a good thing breastfeeding is working out.  It has created a bond between us that I can't describe.  Your daddy still wakes up with me and helps change your diaper or just to sit up with me most of the time.  He's an amazing husband and daddy and I pray you and your brother turn out a whole lot like him. :)
Your brother absolutely adores you.  The first thing he says when he wakes up in the morning is "bubby" and he gives you tons of kisses.  He always makes sure you have your blankie and comes running to me when you cry.  He is very protective over you already... I can't even tell you how lucky you are to have him as a big brother.  Khloe also loves you a whole lot and is already very protective.  She sits up with us during feeding at night and she lays by your rocker when you are asleep in the living room.
Your eyes are still really blue and they seem to be the very same color as mine right now.  Your hair is starting to get lighter and around the edges is super blonde but I still can't tell what color it is going to all come in.  Your eyelashes and eyebrows are extremely blonde, almost white.  You still have the most beautiful complexion. 
 You rolled over during tummy time about a week ago but you haven't done that since.  I think it was a rare occurrence.  You do hold your head up so good though and you have been doing that before we even came home from the hospital.  You have started holding it up a lot more during tummy time lately.  You are already a strong little man.  The lady that did your testing said she could not believe how strong you were when you were pulling your arm away from her.  It looked like you were doing curls. 
One of my favorite times with you is bath time and getting you all lotioned up and smelling so good and then cuddling.  However, you are not a fan of the actual bath.  You are getting better now that you are more used to it and putting your whale on you makes it a lot better.  The whale is like a very large rag that covers your body and it keeps you warm - I love it.  
You love looking at the Christmas lights on the tree.  I sit and rock you right beside it every night and you would stare at those lights for hours.  You also like to sit by the tree in your bouncer and look at them.  I think you will be sad when we have to take the tree down.  We can't wait to spend our first Christmas with you and as a family of four!!  You met Santa for the first time a few nights ago... everyone kept saying you were such a beautiful little boy and that we could put a bow on you and you would be a pretty girl... your dad didn't like that too much! hehe
You have blessed our lives more than I could have ever imagined and you have changed me so much in just the last 4 weeks for the better.  You are a very special little boy and we could not thank God enough for you.  We can't wait to watch you grow and see all of your little "firsts" like we did your brother. 

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