Wednesday, November 7, 2012

37 Weeks & Growing...

37 weeks.... It's about this time that every little ache or pain alarms me! haha!  Every time my back aches or something feels different, I'm wondering if it's labor starting.... I might be a tad bit on the hypochondriac side... so what! ;)  My biggest fear is not making it to the hospital in a decent amount of time.  Not only am I scared of not making it there, I want to get there in time to settle in and take it all in!  I've heard of so many rushed labor stories lately and they freak me out.  Corey and I are both very organized people and we are both planners.... the whole "unknown" thing is not the best for us!  You should see us in the middle of the night... it's quite hilarious!  When I get up to go to the bathroom, he immediately asks if I'm having contractions.... or when I do have BH's we both start timing them on our contraction app! haha  I'm convinced it's because of our last labor experience.... I was rushed to the hospital in a dad-gum snow storm by a crazy driver (who I love dearly and won't mention any names...), was put in one of those small rooms to be monitored, Corey got there and about one minute later we were told that I was dilated to almost a 5 and would be having a baby today!  Umm.... What??? We still have 2 weeks left, doc!  Not one time did we think going early was a possibility.  I just knew I'd make it to 40 weeks as planned.  So, needless to say this time we are being VERY cautious... lol 
Doctors Appointment Update:  Our appointment was yesterday.  I haven't gained any weight and my blood pressure was great.  He is estimating him to weigh a little over 6 lbs right now.  He checked me and there was no change from last week which was only 5 days ago.  So, I'm still dilated to a 2 and 60% effaced.  This is great news... I do not want him to come just yet.  I am just now considered full term and I want him to be completely ready when he arrives! :)  We made a decision to induce at the doctor yesterday but we scheduled it on the 26th, which is only 3 days before my due date.  I am comfortable with this since I will be almost 40 weeks and I have already progressed so much.  He said as long as I can keep my blood pressure down, I can keep him in there that long - however he does not seem too convinced I will make it until then!  My last day of work is next Wednesday so I will be able to really take it easy to make that more possible!  I would LOVE to know the day we are going in and be able to relax and have everything ready to go... I also think it would be so exciting the night before knowing we are going in to have our sweet baby the next day!  I never got that experience and I think it sounds wonderful! :)  He did say when he checked me that he had his fingers on his head... This kind of freaked me out and Corey's face was priceless... LOL!  That just seems so weird and it's crazy that he is SO low!!  My babies just drop early I guess because C was the same way.  I guess his little baby cone head is forming away just like Christian's... hehe!  I'm sure it will take 4-5 months to go back to normal just like his did, too!  My next appointment is next Thursday! :)
All of his little things are all put together now.... His rock n play sleeper, swing, ect... We now have bottles in our cabinets again and this cute little "grass" drying center for the bottles and accessories in our kitchen.  It's so much fun doing this all over again - I can not wait!  I know this sounds crazy, but I'm even looking forward to the middle of the night feedings... Ask me about this in a month and it might have changed. ;)  My mom and I went shopping last weekend and I got some cute pj's with a matching robe and a really cute gown with a matching robe to wear in the hospital.  My sweet friend, Carrie, also gave me a hospital gown to wear while I'm in labor because she never got to use it.  It is adorable and I'm quite excited about having a stylish gown instead of the ugly ones they have for you! ;)  We are finishing Harrison's room (hopefully) this weekend so I will do a post later about that with pics! 
This is the drying rack... Is it not super cute?! Love it!
and this is the adorable hospital gown I will be sporting thanks to Mrs. Jernigan! ;)

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