Sunday, August 19, 2012

18 Months

Christian... You are 18 months old now... I am a couple of weeks late writing this.  I have had the BEST time ever being off with you all summer!!!  I'm sad to leave you on Monday to start back to work but I know you will be in great hands.  You start school on Monday... your very first day in toddler class!!  You received a card in the mail from your teacher today and it about made momma cry!!  I don't know where time has gone.... but I know before long I will be getting a card in the mail from your kindergarten teacher. :(  It just goes by way too fast.  All of your school supplies are in your backpack and ready to go!  You will only be going there on Monday and Tuesday's because your Nana keeps you.  I didn't want to pull you completely out of it though because I know how much you enjoy being around all the other kids and learning.  
*You wear 12-18 months in most things and 18-24 months in some.  You wear a size 4 in diapers.  
*You are really starting to talk a lot!!!  You say a ton of words now and I feel like you understand the meaning of most things.  I can tell you just about anything and you do it or I can tell you understand it.  You can count to 4 on your own now and you're starting to get really good at sorting objects and colors.  We have been working on our ABC's but you sing it more like a song instead of realizing the different letters.. ;)  
*Some of your favorite shows are Sesame Street, Word World, Super Writers, and Dinosaur Train.
*You still go to sleep around 7:30 and you wake up around 8:00.  I'm sure that will change now that you are going to be on my schedule in the mornings.  Hopefully it won't move up your bed time by much though because we finally started back to night church because you stay up late enough for us to go! :) 
*I don't even know how many teeth you have right now...  a LOT!  You are getting about 4 in and surprisingly they are PERFECTLY straight!!!  
*You haven't been sick in so long that I don't even remember... PRAISE THE LORD!!  No more runny noses or ear infections!
*Bath time is still your favorite!!  If someone even accidentally says the word bath you take off running for it!
*Of course you still look just like your daddy but I'm surprised at how many people say you look like me when you smile and make all the facial expressions you do!  You still act just like me though and even though you get into things like a little boy, you are so tender hearted already.  Everyone is amazed about how sweet and laid back you are all the time. <3 
I love you so much baby boy.... I can't believe you are 1 1/2 years old!

A card from your new teacher

You're ready for your 1st day!!
Snuggled up to mommy watching cartoons

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