Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Harrison - 2 months

2 months old
You weight 12 lbs 14 oz and you are 24" long.  You did really good with shots.. only cried for a second.  I can't believe how much you have grown in just a month though.  You used to ball up on my chest and now your little legs touch my lap.  You have really long legs.
You are wearing 0-3 month and 3 month clothes now.  You are so long and petite but you still have rolls everywhere!  You aren't a big chunky baby but your rolls are so stinkin adorable!!!  You are still wearing size 1 diapers.
Sleeping at night is still up and down... some nights you do great and others you wake up every 3 hours.  It depends on how much you eat during the day... sometimes you don't eat that great for your Nana so you want to eat a lot at night.  You usually go to bed around 8 or 9 and for the most part you only wake up once to eat... you have made it all the way through the night a few times.  You wake up around 7 in the morning.  I would say that is really good for only being 8 weeks old.  You are still sleeping in our room in the pack and play.  I'm sure we will transition you to your room in the next couple of months.
Your eyes are still blue!!!  They are the most beautiful blue... such a deep blue and I'm starting to think you might just stay blue eyed!  I'm kind of hoping because I think it's neat to have a brown eyed boy and a blue eyed boy!!  Your hair is still a light brownish blonde color... you haven't started losing any yet.  You smile ALL the time now and coo a lot.  It melts my heart.  You smile so big and you smile with your eyes... you are such a sweetie!!!
You hold your head up really good and really high during tummy time.  You have rolled from your stomach to your back once by yourself but you usually need some help.  You inch worm crawl and it scares me to death!!  I don't remember Christian doing this and you seem too young to start doing that but you can move yourself clear across our king size bed!!  You are doing better about going to other people now but it's still pretty apparent that you are a momma's boy... You would lay on me all day if I let you and be completely content!  You also like your swing better now and your little vibrating chair.  Your daddy says you also like to watch football.. ha!  You are just perfect in every way and we love you so much!!  
 You already have such a personality with your expressions! 
 Smiling at your brother <3
 2 months old today! 
Loving on your Nana... You keep her very busy during the day! ;)

Comparison Pic!  I can definitely see a lot of similarities in this one!!

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