Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Well, I survived my first week of G-fit!!  Whoop whoop!  I can not believe how much better I feel in just the little time I have been doing this... I'm on day 2 of week 2 and feeling great!  I can tell I have SO much more energy and just feel good.  It's also very nice to not have that nasty bloated feeling anymore... I have really done good about watching everything I eat.  I have cut back a ton, made much more healthier choices, and cut out cokes.. which I thought I would never be able to do!  I lost 4.2 lbs last week (yes, I added the .2 because every little bit makes me happy..ha!).  I can't wait until the end of the month to do our measurements because I can tell I'm losing inches by the way my clothes fit.  I can officially wear my pre-baby clothes comfortably. :)  Everyone is starting the cleanse today and as much as I wish I could do it, it just isn't the best idea for me right now.  Harrison isn't sleeping through the night consistently yet and I don't think I would be able to not eat for three days on no sleep.  My plan is to get through G-fit this month by making healthy choices and not missing any work outs and then next month I will be able to do the cleanse.  I'm excited for the ladies doing it though and their results... You go girls!!  Side note: down and backs kill me... I've never been a good runner because I hate it... but I think they are easier for me to do this week than they were last week so I'll take it!  And as much as I hate to admit it, I do believe all the running is what's making a huge difference (well maybe along with the million lunges we do!!)  Tonight is abs night and I'm dreading the "abc's" but it's a darn good work out that I NEED!! 
On top of this new boost of awesome energy.... my precious baby boy slept for 9 hours straight last night!!!!  This makes for one very excited momma... and excited daddy, too!!  That sweet little Harrison is just precious I tell ya!  He has turned out to be an amazing baby just like his brother..... and I thank the Lord every single day for this!!  I don't think I'll take my chances on #3 because we are bound to have to pay for these easy ones! ;)  He drank a 5 oz bottle, took a long warm bath, and went to sleep at 8:30 last night.  He woke up at 5:30 this morning, ate, and went right back to sleep until 8:00.  So all in all he got about 12 hours but he did eat once after 9 hours of sleep... We were so excited!!  I did a little happy dance. ;) 
One more thing... I can not believe how much sickness is going around right now!!!!  The Iovinelli's are avoiding it like the plague!!  I seriously haven't taken my kids out of the house in weeks.. Poor Christian is probably going stir crazy but at least he's healthy.  I am always so terrified of bringing germs home from work because there are so many sick kids coming to school before we send them home AND Corey works at a pharmacy... may be worse contamination than my job! But so far we have been blessed with no sickness.  I didn't even take them to church last week and I probably won't until this is all over.  It's just not worth risking it because the flu is no joke this year!  It seems like everyone that gets it is ending up with pneumonia or in the hospital on fluids.  Strep through is also going along with RSV, which scares me to death!!!  I will continue to wash my hands like a crazy maniac and spray Lysol around the house like nobody's business. :)
My little bird & I after a fantastic night of SLEEP!!

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