Friday, August 26, 2011

Grad School & Crawling...

Well, the past few days have been some pretty great ones I must say!! After a lot of praying and debating, I finally chose where to attend grad school. AND the verdict is..... John Brown University!! I'm beyond excited about this new adventure! I have been trying to figure out where to go pretty much since I graduated. I had it narrowed down to U of A and JBU and after a lot of praying and talking with the hubs, we decided that JBU was the right choice. It's a private Christian college... making it super expensive, but the pros definitely out weigh that one con. I'm going to get my degree in counseling. I want to do school counseling, but my long term plan is to also get my marriage and family counseling degree. I love that I'm going to be attending a college that has such strong morals and Christian beliefs. I'm just overwhelmed with joy right now!!! I got everything submitted a few days ago and now I'm just waiting to take my GRE. I need to start studying so that I do well on it... One more step, and grad school... here I come!! My plan is to start in January.. Wish me luck!

Now on to the more important stuff..... ;) OUR BABY CRAWLED TONIGHT!!!! Now he only took 2 little crawls, but still.. I was beyond excited!! I grabbed him up and starting screaming and kissing him to death! I bet he thought I was crazy! haha He kept doing it over and over but after two he would just fall down. I guess I need to baby proof the house this weekend because being completely mobile is right around the corner! This is such an exciting time for our family... he is changing so much and it's just unbelievable! I never would have thought he would bring me this much joy. I don't think you have a way of feeling it until the moment you're actually a mom. It's just crazy.. Thank you Lord for this wonderful blessing!!
He has started grabbing at the animals on his wall..
Playing on the floor with his friends
His yellow toy he loves to chew!
Serious face... haha!
My precious wittle boy!!!
What he loves at the moment: 
Mum Mums, pears, apple sauce, banana and orange medley, Dinosaur Train, his giraffe blankie of course (we tried to buy another blankie VERY similar, but it didn't make the cut), his little yellow chew toy, Squealing! He makes the cutest squealing noise ever and boy does he love to make it! Peek-a-boo (Him and his Nanner play this when she keeps him and he loves it!!)

Not so much:
Pears with cinnamon oatmeal (He loved it but his tummy did not unfortunately, plus he got this little rash shortly after eating it so we are staying away from that for now.), and some kind of fruit smoothie baby food (spit it up horribly), He's also getting bored with his swing... He used to be a huge fan of the swing, but he's just too busy for it now! 

Another one of Christian's 6 month pics by Devin!

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!

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