Monday, September 12, 2011

Kiss My Hiney Jillian...

You will be happy to know that since my last post, which was 10 days ago, I have lost 11 lbs!! I know that's a lot in under two weeks but I've made A LOT of changes!! I have finally changed my lazy ways and started working out more, completely changed my eating habits, said goodbye to cokes (by far the hardest), and with Christian crawling now I feel like I'm always on the move anyway! Now that I am so aware of what I eat and portions, I can not believe how horrible I used to eat!! I seriously ate anything I wanted at whatever time I wanted and however much of it that I wanted.... And I couldn't figure out why the baby weight wasn't just falling off?! Ummmm... Probably because I'm not 20 anymore!!! I'm glad I've finally faced reality and changed my ways. It feels really good, too! The hardest part, hands down, was giving up cokes! I love me some coke and dr. pepper and not having it 7 times a day (not an exaggeration) was pretty tough on me! I took a sip of one the other day just to swallow a pill and it was so syrupy tasting that I didn't even like it anymore. I do have to have my occasional glass of sweet tea though.. that will never change! I am a true southern girl! ;) I've also started the C25K challenge, which is just an app on my iPhone. I completed day 1 today and it felt so good to run again! However, my body is already aching and it's not even the next day yet (gosh, the next day always hurts!). Corey and I are planning on running our first 5K on October 22nd so I need to stick with this and get in a lot better shape before then! I have always wanted to run a 5K but have just been terrified of it! I will be so proud of myself if I make it through it! :) I'll keep my progress updated on here because it's the best way for me to keep track of it.

Over the 3 day weekend, I got a little crafty and decided to make some wreaths. They turned out so cute! I made a Razorback wreath for the front door and a yarn wreath (which took forever). I pulled off a dead branch on a tree and wrapped it up in yarn too and stuck a birds nest on it and put it on the wreath.. I just love it! I also made a collage of a book Corey and I read before we got married called, "Plan Your Marriage, Before Your Wedding." I would highly recommend it to any engaged couple! Anyway, I took important pages out of the book along with the church bulletin on the day that Corey was baptized, added a few things and framed it in our office!

This past Saturday was Brittney and Kyle's first wedding shower! We had a great time! I'm so excited for the upcoming wedding festivities... I just love that girl to death! Kyle is a lucky man but she didn't do so bad herself. ;) Their next shower is at our house and I am beyond excited about it.... except for the fact that my OCD has already kicked in and I'm going a little crazy over it, but that's okay! Only the best for my bestie!
Britt's shower

Now, for the most important topic... Christian! :) Little angel, I swear! He gets cuter and cuter every single day!! He is full fledged crawling now... It is so cute! It's kind of like an army crawl almost... but the little guy is so fast!! His sweet little legs go ninety to nothin'! Yesterday, mom and I took him to Toys R Us and he got a lot of new goodies! He got a hippo that pops balls up and shoots them out, stackable stars that light up, a ball that shakes and rolls around, and a ball pit (aka - a kiddie pool filled with balls!) He played in the Teff's ball pit at Townsend's birthday party, but he wasn't old enough to enjoy it then.. but I could tell he liked it! He's so funny when he gets in there. He just sits there and looks around for a while before he'll play! He also got a new rubber ducky bathtub... He LOVES it!! I put bubble bath in there for him and he kicks and screams the entire time! He looks absolutely adorable in there! Well, I think it's time to take a long, hot bath and go to bed... Hope everyone has a wonderful night!
My sweet family before church..
His shirt says it all!!
 I thought these Hogs cookies were adorable.. Had then made at Paul's!
 Christian's 1st Hogs game!! WPS!!
 Love these sweet ladies!
His 7 month picture!

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