Friday, July 19, 2013

Harrison - 8 months

Sweet boy... you are already 8 months old and I can't believe it.  Your looks are starting to change from baby to boy.  Your face seriously lights up the room... your smile is so, so sweet and it shows all over your face.  Your eyes are still the same beautiful blue color so I'm thinking those aren't going to change.  Your hair gets blonder and blonder by the day and it's starting to get a lot thicker.  You already need a little trim around your ears and the back of your neck but I think we will make due for a few more months. 
You are pretty much in all 9-12 month clothes now.  I get 12 month in all your jammies so they are nice and comfy.  You and your brother are built very different because I am loving the pj's from Children's Place on you and Christian could never really wear them because they didn't fit right.  You are in size 4 diapers now so you will be in those for a long time.  When I do your laundry now I have to look at the tags a lot of the times to see if it's you or your brothers... so weird.. You are growing so fast!
You are still a wonderful sleeper.  You slept in your room for the first time last night and you did perfect!  I was shocked.  You have been sleeping in your pack n play in our room because I just like keeping my babies in the room with me for a while... not our bed.. just our room.  I figured the easiest transition would be to move your pack n play in your room so it's not all completely new to you.  Once you get comfortable in there, which I'm guessing is going to be really soon since you slept through the night, I will try out your crib.  I can't wait for you to be able to just sleep in your crib because I know you will love it.  You didn't wake up until 9:15 this morning!!  I woke up to babababababadadada on the monitor - sweetest sound ever.  You are finally talking up a storm!!  You did a lot of squealing and saying momma before but around 7-8 months you started talking non stop. 
You get around like a champ but you aren't necessarily crawling the "text book correct way" haha... You army crawl and inch worm for the most part and then mix it in with a few good crawls.  You're all over the place though so I guess whatever works!  You are pulling up a lot now... You love to pull up on daddy when he's laying in the floor.  You also pulled up in your crib so I'm going to have to lower the mattress this week for sure.  You absolutely love for someone to hold your hands so you can stand up... You've started taking little steps when you're holding on to things so I think you'll start cruising around in no time.  You kind of like the walker but not a huge fan. You love your bouncer.  You mainly like sitting on a pallet in the floor with all of your toys.... and following your brother around everywhere!!  
You are loving all kinds of baby food now... I would say your favorites are: apple blueberry, apple cherry, apple sauce (you kind of like, green beans, and squash.  You also really love yogurt, which you had the first time at 8 months.  You love puffs and mum mums... but you really love little bites of our food more than anything.  When we are eating you open your mouth wide and make this cute little sound while bouncing up and down.  It's adorable.  You love mashed potatoes and your favorite is mashed potatoes and gravy from KFC. 
You are precious in every way possible.  I love you so much my little bird! 

Last but not least... the 8 month comparison pic.. Love how different you two are but so beautiful in your own ways!!

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