We took the boys to Branson for their first time and they had so much fun! The Crabtree's also went and we all had a blast. We got there Thursday and hit the outlet malls until it was time to check in our hotel. I LOVE the outlet malls there. We also went to eat at the restaurant that has the HUGE rooster out front... I've always wanted to try it and it was VERY good. I highly recommend it, plus it's right in front of the outlet malls if you need to grab lunch while shopping it's convenient. Then we all napped for about an hour before going to Silver Dollar City. We went to SDC around 5:30 and almost closed the place down at 10. We had perfect weather! Weekday evenings are definitely the time to go... it's cooler outside and you avoid the lines. The boys had a blast! Harrison rode the carousel for the first time and then just hung out in his stroller - he really enjoyed all the looking around at everything. Christian had SO much fun!! He rode as much as he possibly could and was allowed to with the height requirement. He's pretty tall for his age so he got to ride a lot of rides that kids older than him were on.. It made me a little nervous but daddy went with him and he was in heaven. Corey and I both got to ride the water rapid raft ride with him since Miranda was sweet enough to watch the babies and that was so much fun!! I don't want to wish any time away at all but I can not wait until they are both old enough to ride everything with us... we have sooo much fun ahead as a family and that makes me so excited!! Friday we got up, had breakfast, did a little more shopping, and then went to Wild World since it was raining. It was pretty neat... Christian loved it of course! We went and ate at Famous Dave's and hit up the candy store and Bass Pro Shop before we left. I'm not sure what I was thinking taking C into the candy store... but let's just say 15 minutes, two bags, $25, and a cavity later.... we finally left - Whew! The boys did really good for not getting their naps in... I'm sure it will be a lot easier next year when they are both a little older. We were blessed with amazing sleepers - meaning they love their beds, go to bed pretty early, sleep in late, and take long naps.. However, they will NOT just fall asleep anywhere. They like to be home in their own bed... you can see how this could be challenging when taking a trip?! We had a wonderful time but I'm glad we are home... now to do all the laundry!
My favorite shirt at the moment
1 day ago