Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Harrison is ONE!

Well, my little bird, you're a big one year old now....I don't know where the time went but it sure came fast.  It's true that time flies and flies even faster with the second baby.  I wasn't ready.... I cried watching your video, seeing all the times you were snuggled in my arms the first year.  I would say about 80% of the pictures on there were of me and you... and that's a pretty great description of your first year.  You are a momma's boy and you loved being on me at all times... Connected to my hip.  You're starting to get a lot more independent now but you still look for your momma all the time just to make sure I'm there.
We had your one year check up yesterday at the doctor and he commented on how you did not have to see him except for wellness visits all year.  You have been such a healthy little boy and have had no sickness at all and NO ear infections (thank God) so far.  I'm so thankful for you and your brother's health!  You are 32 inches long and you weigh 24 lbs.  Dr. W said everything looks perfect and you're right on track.  He said no more formula/bottles - which we have been taking you off of for a couple weeks now.  We will finish this last thing of formula off and then be done for good.  It seems weird to say no more formula and bottles in the house... That's all our last 2 1/2 years has consisted of it seems like.  You really love milk and you're great with a sippy cup so I don't think it will bother you at all.  You also had your flu shot - I don't like that you had to have so many shots in one time but you took it like a champ.  You cried for about 10 seconds and were back to your smiling self instantly.  Everyone at the office always talks about what a happy baby you are! :)
Your favorite thing to do right now is play in the floor with your brother or go in his room and play.  You like to be in his room a lot more than yours!  You two play most of the evening together and don't make a peep... It really is the sweetest thing ever to watch. You love playing with cars and trucks... anything you can roll around on the floor and make noises with.  You make the little car splutter noise and it's so cute!  You love pushing anything around and you're favorite push toy is the shopping cart.  You load that thing up and push it all over the house.  You have been taking steps here and there for a while now but in the last week you have started walking all over the place.  You are getting a lot faster and much better with your balance - You even bop up and down when music is on to dance - soooo cute!!!  Your personality is just the sweetest, most fun ever... It's hard for anyone to be in a bad mood around you.  You seriously light up the room. 
Your 1st birthday party was perfect!  I'm so glad I went with the bird theme because it represented you so perfectly.... You will always be my little bird and have been since you were about two hours old. :)  Our wonderful family and friends were there to celebrate and spoil you rotten.

I'm excited to watch you grow and learn all the new things you have yet to discover... Mommy and Daddy love you so much baby boy!!!

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