Monday, August 26, 2013

Harrison - 9 months

Precious little baby doll... You are already 9 months old!  You are changing so much by the day and growing so, so fast.  Your hair is getting so long and it's bright blonde.  I think I need to get you a hair cut soon but something about that makes me sad so I might try to wait until you are about to turn one.  Your eyes are still bright blue and they just sparkle... You smile SO BIG and you smile with your eyes.  Everyone still says we look just alike. =)
You are wearing 12 month and 12-18 month clothes already.  You can already wear the stuff your brother wore when he was over a year old.  I think you are going to catch him in size sooner than later.  You wear size 4 diapers.  I still am not quite sure of your shoe size because you never wear them... It's way too hot outside still.  All I know is that you have already grown out of your size 2 shoes that you used to wear to church.  I'm ready for you to be in size 4 because I have some really cute shoes of Christian's that he never got to wear that can finally be worn! 
You have always been an unbelievable sleeper and you still are.  You go to sleep anywhere from 6-7 and you never, ever wake up in the middle of the night.  You normally wake up around 7am, drink a bottle, and then go back to sleep until 9ish.  You normally nap from 11-1 and then you take about a 45 minute nap sometime in between 1 and bedtime.  
You talk NON STOP.  Seriously.  You have a lot to say and you like everyone to listen.  You follow your brother around everywhere and I think he loves it.  You two are starting to really play together and it's the cutest thing EVER.  It's what I've waited for from the moment I found out I was pregnant with you.  You two go in his room every evening and play together for a long time.  Your daddy and I just sit in there and watch and smile.  You are a speed crawler... I mean, I can lose you within seconds.  You pull up on things but you aren't a huge fan of cruising the furniture yet.  You seem content crawling for now... probably because of your lightening speed.. haha!  
You love food.  End of story.  It's your favorite thing ever.. ha!  I have yet to find a single thing that you don't like.  You have fruit, oatmeal, and yogurt in the morning, veggies at lunch, and whatever we eat for dinner.  You love puffs and yogurt bites, too. 
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE YOU TO PIECES!!!  You keep us laughing at all times!

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