Wednesday, June 26, 2013


So, I am obviously way behind on my blog and there is no way to go back and write posts for all that has been going on lately so I'm going to try to hit the high-lights and try really hard to keep up with this better.  Although, I will do a 7 month post on Harrison separately since this is like their baby book.  
Let me start by talking about Christian.... oh my gosh - time. slow. down.  He is changing so much, so fast.  It seems like he just woke up one day and started having conversations with me.  It was seriously that fast... He started talking a lot after he turned two... like sentences... and a lot of repeating.. but all of a sudden in the past month he says everything!  It's a really weird feeling to have a conversation with your little boy. Really weird.  BUT I absolutely love it.  He is soooo much fun!!  I knew he had a sweet, tender heart but now that he can really express his feelings, I definitely know.  He does not like it if he thinks someones feelings are hurt at all.  He will do whatever to make it better.  He also doesn't like if someone is crying, like a baby or kid in public.  He always says, "momma, he/she's crying.." with such a concerned look on his face.   He gives hugs and kisses ALL the time.  I don't even have to ask for them.. he's just precious.  Some of his favorite things to do and say right now are: pig noises (like real ones.. not oink oink), putting his hands behind his back (long story), saying "okay" for "yes", singing songs - his favorites are Twinkle, Twinkle, Jesus Loves Me, Rock a Baby, reading his books, his brother - completely obsessed with "bubbie" - it is the sweetest thing ever, he says "SEEEE mommy" a lot when he's doing something he wants me to watch, "help you" when he needs help, his Nana - good grief, he loves his Nana!! He really likes shoes.. he's kind of particular about his attire, no lie, I'm creating a monster apparently, he LOVES making tents, and he loves the iPad.  I could go on and on about all the cute things he says and does right now.  I honestly can't get over how smart he is.  I've never really bragged about how smart he is because I just assumed he's normal... I always read the baby center updates to make sure he was on track, but other than that I just never thought about it.  He's also been a quiet little dude so he hasn't ever just babbled away non-stop.  I have to say though, he is one smart cookie!! He learns things so fast... like songs, his colors, numbers, problem solving, and other things.  He really takes his time pronouncing words that he doesn't know that well because he wants to say it correctly.. kind of a perfectionist.. I have no idea where he got that.. hehe! ;) He also picked up on potty training like a champ!  I think he's just easy to teach because he is super laid back and he's a pleaser. He has a quiet spirit about him though and I just love it.... He got that from his daddy. 
I also have to do a little bragging about my husband... He graduated from the Fire Academy this past Friday.  I could not be a more proud wife.  I am so proud of him for following his dream and doing what he really wanted to do in his career - even if it was a process that required a lot of patience and waiting... and kept him away from his family for 10 weeks.  He is such a hard worker.. I've always loved that about him.  This 10 weeks journey apart has been really tough, I'm not going to lie... in the beginning I wasn't sure I would make it.  It was awful.  After the first couple of weeks, it started to get easier and go by faster.. I am SO glad it's almost over!!  He will be home this weekend and then be home for good next Wednesday, one week from today!  Not only have I missed him like crazy, the boys have too... They will be so happy for their daddy to be home!  I am so happy our boys got to be there at his graduation.  We will cherish those pictures forever.  I have to admit - it's pretty awesome being married to a hot fireman.. kind of cliche, I know, but I love it! ;)

As far as summer breaks goes, we have done a lot of relaxing, play dates, and spending time with our friends or family on the weekends.  Now that he's coming home we can start our little trips that we want to take... nothing major since he won't have vacation time this summer but we do plan on going back to Dallas and definitely a trip or two to Branson!

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