Monday, May 20, 2013

Harrison - 6 months

6 months old - halfway to being one already... can not believe it!!  Your looks are starting to change a lot from baby to little boy.  Your smile lights up a room and it's so infectious.  Everyone says you look just like your mommy... and I love it!!  I think you are a little doll baby!!!  Your eyes are such a beautiful blue and you are finally getting some hair... it is almost white, it's so blonde.  A lady at the mall said "she is beautiful" the other day... I know you will kill me later for writing that but I thought it was funny... When she realized you were a boy after seeing what you were wearing she apologized and said you are just so pretty. ;) 
You are wearing 9 month clothes mostly but some things you can wear 12 months.  You can wear 3-6 month and 6 month bottoms.  You have a long torso though so 9 mo and 12 mo shirts and onesies are the only things that are long enough.  You wear size 2 shoes but your shoes are starting to get a little tighter.  You wear size 3 diapers. 
You are a wonderful sleeper.  I can't thank you enough for this!!  You are still in the pack and play in our room because I'm not ready for you to go to your room yet.  We will work on that transition while I'm home this summer.  You go to sleep at 8:00 and wake up between 7-8 in the morning, drink a bottle, and go back to sleep for an hour or two.  Crazy!  You take a 3 hour nap after lunch time... finally on the same schedule as your big brother.  This makes mommy so happy!! =)
You are such a happy baby!!!  I can just look at you and make you smile.  You make the sweetest sounds and you're starting to babble.  You giggle a lot!  You said momma a few weeks ago but I've only heard you say it one time since then.  You only say it when you're really upset, which is rare. 
You are a little rollie pollie... You roll from tummy to back all over the place.  You kind of sit up but not for very long before toppling over.  You are starting to get the hang of it better though.  You get up like you are going to crawl and you're starting to rock back and forth a little bit so I know that is coming soon.  You scoot yourself to get to your toys though.  You are outgrowing your bathtub quickly so I hope you start sitting up by yourself really well pretty soon.  Anything I lay you in, you try to sit up... you are getting abs of steel from this! haha!  
You also started eating cereal and baby food.  At first, you hated cereal... now I'm thinking it was more of getting used to the spoon because you love it now.  You really like it best with fruit mixed in - pears are your favorite.  You have tried apple sauce (not a huge fan), pears, green beans, and squash.  You love the vegetables a whole lot!  You have cereal and fruit in the mornings, half a vegetable for lunch and the other half for dinner, along with your bottles... which you are eating 6 oz at a time for the most part unless you skip out on solids for a meal, then you drink 8 oz. 
You also started going to church nursery for the first time this month and you LOVE it.  You were getting so bored in church so we decided to let you try it out and you enjoy it a lot more.  You especially love sitting in the walker with the mirror so you can look at yourself and smile.  Every time I pick you up after church is over you are usually sound asleep on one of the sweet ladies because they like to cuddle you.  On Wednesday nights you and your buddies, Lawson and Eden, get to play! =)
You are such a precious baby boy and we love you more than words could ever express.  

 You are way too little to be standing up!

 Strong little legs!
 KBC Crawfish Boil 

 SUCH a momma's boy!!!

 NOT a fan of cereal at first.... LOL
 Best Friends
 Your big brother loves to feed you!
 Big brother snuck and gave you some of his ice cream cone... You were in heaven!
GUILTY: Ice cream faces!!
LOVE my little bit!

And last but not least... a comparison picture of you and your big brother... You guys are starting to look more and more different each month I think. 
I can not get over how much you look like me and how much C looks like daddy!!  Love how God works!!

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