Monday, February 4, 2013

Christian turns TWO!

My little angel baby is two years old today... I'm not as emotional this year as I was last year for his first birthday.  My only emotion is pure happiness!!  He gets more and more fun the older he gets and we have so much fun with him now.  He is honestly the sweetest little two year old I've ever been around.  Everyone commented at his party yesterday how loving and sweet he is.  You can just tell that he has a huge heart and wants to please people.  He went through a fit throwing phase that lasted all of two weeks.  I realize he may start that up again but as of now, the kid really does not throw fits ever.  He is so sweet with other kids and likes to share.  He gives lots of kisses and hugs and still loves to cuddle a lot... which completely melts my heart.  He loves his bubby so much and loves on him all the time.  He likes to shake up his bottle and give it to him and he always takes him his paci and puts it in his mouth.  We had to keep them separated for a couple of days while he was sick and he was sooo excited to see him again!  Harrison is so lucky to have such a wonderful big brother.  They are lucky to have each other. 
Christian Michael...
Your two year check up at the doctor is tomorrow so I will have to come back and add in your height and weight.  You wear size 2T clothes, size 9 shoe, and size 5 diaper (which you are pretty much in pull ups full time now).
You say so many things that I can't write them all down... You have a huge vocabulary and you're trying to figure out how to put it all together now.  You say 3 word sentences quite a bit and you try to say a lot more but it ends up sounding like another language by the 5th or 6th word. :)  You understand pretty much anything I tell you to do now.  It's crazy to me how much you already know and understand.  You are amazing at puzzles and putting things together.  You love building blocks.  Your PaPa was in the floor playing with your remote control car the other day and the wire came out from this little tube.  You sat down and wired it back through like it was nothing - we all sat there and stared at you in amazement.  Your PaPa thinks you hung the moon but he keeps telling that story because he said your hand-eye coordination is crazy!  We are all a little proud of you.  You can identify some of your colors now... blue, red, yellow, and green.  You identify most of your numbers but I can only get you to count to three.  You aren't very interested in counting past three because once you get to three you say "Ready, set, GO!" haha!  We haven't started working on letters much but you know a few just from playing a game on the iPad.  The iPad has been a great investment because you learn a lot from playing the educational games.  Although your favorite thing to do on there is watch "Mouse" (Mickey Mouse Clubhouse).  
You finally stayed away from home (right down the road at Nana's) for the first time a couple of months ago.  Since then you have stayed the night with her several times because you cry to go with her.  You LOVE your Nana to pieces!!  We are so fortunate that she can stay home with you and Harrison while mommy and daddy work.  If she couldn't I think we would just have to be poor because I would stay home with ya'll!  Some days that sounds nice anyway!  However, I know you two are in just as good of hands if I were home AND mommy gets to make money so ya'll can have nice things.. It's a win, win! ;)  When Nana gets sick your PaPa always pulls through and watches ya'll... He is wonderful with you and you think he does no wrong... Anytime the door bell rings you start running to the door yelling PaPa!!  He comes by and sees ya'll at least 3-4 times a week.  It makes me so happy to see your relationship with him.  If he watched ya'll every day though you would be ruined... he can't say no to you and lets you do anything you want. ;) I guess that's what grandparents are for!  Your Mimi comes to see you about once every two weeks or so and your other Grandpa comes down from Texas every chance he gets to see you guys... You get to see him next week!  You are so very lucky to have so many people that love you so much!!
You are still sleeping in your crib and I plan to keep you in it until you are climbing out (unless it gets to an inappropriate age.. ha!).  You don't ever try climbing out so far... You love your crib!  You are still the best sleeper ever... that hasn't changed since day one.  You go to sleep anywhere from 7:15-8:30 and you wake up around 8-9 the next morning.  You take a 3-4 hour nap around 1 or 2.  
You are a great eater... You eat just about anything we give you.  You really like vegetables and fruits the best.. strange, I know!  We still only give you milk and water to drink and juice occasionally.  You love milk but you hate chocolate milk.  Your daddy is very adamant about you not having any caffeine or carbonated drinks... which I agree with him, we want you to be healthy for as long as we can control it!  I even switched your macaroni and cheese to whole grain the other day and you can't tell the difference. ;)
Your favorite things to watch on TV are Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Daniel Tiger.  You also like Callilou,  Word World, Sid the Science Kid, and Sesame Street.  Your favorite thing to do still is go outside.  You would go outside in the worst of weather if we let you... You constantly go to the door and I hate telling you no when it's so cold outside but I don't want you to get sick.  You love playing with Khloe and she loves playing with you, too!  
Your birthday party theme this year was Mickey Mouse (which will have a whole seperate post).  Your party was just perfect!  Your party guests were: Mommy and daddy, Nana, PaPa, Mimi, Jon, Uncle Chris, Aunt Jessica, Kenlee (Kynee, as you say it), Brittney & Kyle, Diamond, Devin, and Amber.  You got so many presents and you stayed up late last night playing with them.  You got a lot of super cute spring clothes, too... Your momma has friends with great taste for fashion. ;)  I don't skimp on dressing you boys just because you are boys... You still dress adorable from head to toe! ;)  I'm sad that I'm not home with you all day on your actual birthday but you will have fun with your Nana until I get home and then we will have lots of fun!  
You are the sweetest, smartest, cutest, funniest, and most lovable two year old and you have made our lives just perfect.  I love you, Christian Michael!!!!  Happy Birthday baby!!!

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