I feel like this post might be a little all over the place because I have a few different things going on in my head.... First of all, while in our small group this morning, I was reading the commentary in my bible and stumbled upon this: "Prayer must have a vital place in our lives, but there is also a place for action. Sometimes we know what to do, but we pray for more guidance as an excuse to postpone doing it. If we know what we should do, then it is time to get moving." We were reading from Exodus and I always look to my commentary when studying the Old Testament because it just helps me understand it better. This, from Ex. 14:15, was not what we were even on yet but boy did those words pop out to me. So often, I know what God is commanding me to do but instead of being obedient, I continue to pray about it. Maybe it has been my way of postponing it or being lazy. I know in my heart I need to listen and obey... God needs to come way before anything or anyone else in my life. He needs to be number one in my marriage and my family. I truly do try my best at this but I think it's safe to say we all fall short at times. We pick and choose what areas of our life we will let Him have control over and that's just not how it goes. So, my one and only New Year's Resolution for 2014 is to give ALL control to God. To ACT instead of waiting around. And to know when to wait and be patient because He is Almighty... "The Lord himself will fight for you. Just stay calm" -Exodus 14:14
Also, every year we fast for fruitfulness at our church. We will be fasting next Sunday for a week. I am giving up all social media for that week... facebook, instagram, pinterest. It's no secret that I love them all. My favorite thing about facebook is posting pictures to share with our family. It's such a great way to let grandparents and other family members see the boys and all they are doing. I also love being able to look back on the old albums and see how much they have changed. However, I post a picture and then end up browsing through the newsfeed for 20 minutes or LONGER sometimes just to see what everyone else is doing. No offense, I love you all, but who cares?! haha! I'm losing precious moments with my family and time I could be spending in His word by looking at what others are doing.. It's kind of silly if you think about it. So after my little week hiatus from it all I'm planning on still posting my pictures for my family but not spending my time jumping back and forth from all three sites, wasting way too much time out of each day. So I guess I have two NY resolutions.
"I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us." -Philippians 3:14
HBD to me and my first design patent!
2 days ago