So, oh my goodness.. This week has been extremely emotional for me. Not only is my baby boy turning 1 tomorrow, there has been a whirlwood of "1st" this week!! Tuesday was his 1st day at daycare.... definitely the hardest one of them all for me! Christian is such a little social butterfly that he absolutely loved it. Momma however, broke down atleast 7 times that day! I kept praying that God would just give me the strength to make it out of there without crying, but that did not happen. Surely they are used to crying mommas though, right?! I hope so!! haha! When I went to pick him up, all the little kids were outside playing. He was at the picnic bench with another little boy just his size.. It was one of the cutest things ever just pulling up and seeing him out there playing with a little buddy!! My heart melted! They said he did great and had a wonderful day. He fell asleep before we even got home.. He was wore out from all that playing!! Wednesday he got to stay home with his Nana so I was at ease all day UNTIL he had his 1st hair cut that evening. I didn't cry (surprisingly) but it was so emotional sitting there with him in my lap watching her cut his little newborn locks off! :( Where did my little bitty baby go?! Now he has a big boy hair cut - which looks stinking adorable!! He went back to daycare on Thursday... It was a lot easier this time for me. He was playing with his little friends before I even left so I know he is loving it there! I went and finished all of his birthday shopping last night for his party and his presents. It has been so much fun planning his 1st birthday party and buying his little birthday presents.. We got him some new clothes, shoes, socks, a couple of toys, his first set of crayons and coloring books, bath droplets to make the water green, AND a wagon!! He is going to be SO excited about the wagon... He has this little dump truck right now that he likes to get in and me pull him around. He looks huge in it because it is so small but he scrunches himself in there because he loves riding around. I can not wait to see the look on his face when he goes for his first ride!! :) His birthday party is "Dinosaur Train" theme. He loves that show.... and he doesn't usually pay attention to anything on TV. Every time the song comes on for that show he squeals and starts dancing - cutest thing ever!! So when it came time to pick a theme for his party, there was no question! I've made a lot of the decorations for his party.. I love crafting and I love the meaning behind it when you do it yourself. I have so much to do tonight though to get it all ready for tomorrow! Last but not least, this morning he took birthday cookies to school for him, his friends, and his teachers... It was SO much fun sending those to school for him!! I'm starting to really enjoy the whole daycare situation a lot more than I thought. It's just perfect because he gets social time 3 days a week but still gets to stay at home some, too. I love that little angel more than anything I could ever explain. I can not believe he has been with us for a whole year tomorrow.. How blessed our lives are!!!! "Every good and perfect gift is from above." -James 1:17 *How true is that!!!!*
I'll be writing all about his birthday soon... I can't wait to take lots of pictures and share these wonderful memories!
HBD to me and my first design patent!
2 days ago